Growing 38 varieties of microgreens sustainabily in Detroit

Some Info

Curious as to where your microgreens are grown? We’re an urban family-owned farm located in the Wyoming/West Chicago area of Detroit. We purchased our 17,000 sq ft building in 2017. The building, a former daycare center, had been vacant for 10 years and hit hard by scrappers and vandals. We cleaned it up and rehabbed it over 2 years. In 2019, we started growing saltwater shrimp and then COVID hit. Our sales plummeted. We pivoted into microgreens to keep the lights on and have been going forward ever since then.
We grow our 35 varieties of microgreens on vertical racks in soil under lights. We use non-GMO and some organic seeds, no chemicals, fertilizers, insecticides or pesticides. During our peak summer season, we will have over 1,200 trays or flats under cultivation at one time. We’re in 13 grocery stores, serve a multitude of restaurants, private chefs and caterers, 3 produce wholesalers, an online farmers market and the Birmingham Farmers’ Market May-October for the 5th year.
Thanks for your continued support!

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